[天籁之音] 莎拉布莱曼 月光女神
<P>http://www.qhtz.com/uploadfiles/200674124246407.mp3 </P><P>演唱:莎拉布莱曼月光女神</P>
<P><br>Are you going to Scarborough Fair?<br>Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme<br>Remember me to one who lives there<br>She once was a true love of mine<br>*********<br>Tell her to make me a cambric shirt<br>Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme<br>Without no seams nor needless work<br>Then she'll be a true love of mine<br>********<br>Tell her to find me an acre of land<br>Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme<br>Between the salt water and the sea strand<br>Then she'll be a true love of mine<br>********<br>Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather<br>Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme<br>And gather it all in a bunch of heather<br>Then she'll be a true love of mine <br>********<br>Are you going to Scarborough Fair?<br>Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme<br>Remember me to one who lives there<br>She once was a true love of mine</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-10 21:40:00编辑过]
<P>也挺喜欢的.</P> <P>很适合晚上听..</P>
<P>那首爵士唱腔的<忧郁的星期天>好听..</P> <P>回忆起了 N年以前:做完作业,静静的躺在床上,戴着耳机,慢慢的欣赏。</P>
<P> 月光下,月亮女神一袭白衣,翩翩而舞,晚风轻抚,为我抹平一天的劳累,是月殿嫦娥下凡为我独舞吧。</P>
<P> 还是神话里的 高丽公主 在山坡上为 蒙将军起舞?</P>
一直比较欣赏这位,呵呵楼主也是哦? 莎拉布莱曼的嗓子绝咯。。这首歌由她来诠释绝对是个相当绝妙的做法~ <P>有时候,某首歌就是专门 为 某人创造的,</P>
<P> 对于 听者而言,并不仅仅是 先入为主。</P>
<P>还有 恩雅、巴巴拉.史翠珊。。。 她们的风格是别人 无法模仿的。</P>