孤云 发表于 2004-10-22 08:26


刚去银行存了钱,突然发现社区银行的英文是Bank Of Society. 怎么看怎么别扭。改一Community Bank 觉得还行.虽然没有外国人来咱们这个论坛,不过既然有错误我想应该改一下。不知各位意下如何?

毛老大 发表于 2004-10-24 01:07


边城玫女 发表于 2004-10-24 02:00


孤云 发表于 2004-10-24 05:58

原文由 毛老大 发表:<br>这个。。。。。。<br>偶英语一般。。。。。。。。。:P<br><br>看不出有什么不同~~~~~~~<br><br><br>Sorry I am in a hurry so I can&#39;t really type Chinese right now. A forum, it can be also called in English an online community. The word community is more focused on one area, limited numbers of people, say, about somewhat like 2000 maximum (I am not sure). However, society is a vague word, and usually used to describe something that comes from a wide population, like the population of a nation, for example of usage &quot;the pressure of the general society&quot;. Therefore, society shall not be used in association with bank, whereas community is often used for example for &quot;community centre&quot;, or in this case community bank.Please excuse my horrible explanation but it just bothers me to see the word Bank of Society used. It just doesn&#39;t make sense. <br><br>[此帖子已被 孤云 在 2004-10-24 5:59:31 编辑过]

紫依恋 发表于 2004-10-24 08:53


陈浩南 发表于 2004-10-24 10:21

NOD NOD<br>大学生们都自愧不如~~<br>汗~~

毛老大 发表于 2004-10-24 13:16

原文由 紫依恋 发表:<br>呵呵~~果然是华侨,开口闭口就是英语,毛大哥要好好学学人家 <br>咳~咳~<br><br>拿我牛津双解词典来~~~~!!!!!<br><br>哈哈哈哈~~~

孤云 发表于 2004-10-24 13:20


寒雪牵魂箫 发表于 2004-10-24 13:51

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查看完整版本: 论坛的一个非常非常小的问题