What's the matter?I don't know,don't know what to do.Everything's changing when I turn around. My friend turns to be my enemy, or a stranger.<br>It's snowing these days. I always scream out loud to the sky like I'm crazy. Actually everyone's crazy. We are wearing masks and acting. What's under the mask?It's a terrible soul. I'm young. What does the youth mean? It means we tell each other to be ourselves, then we ask ourselves,'Who am I'?It's interesting, and it's also... I wonder what I am doing. I wonder what I want to say.<br>Just like that.<br> http://mp3.baidu.com/u?u=http://www.nd95598.com/music/yinyue/she/9uD4JwgHNw$$.rm<br>头大了~~ 李世辉谷歌资讯点击榜