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[影歌] [下载]||Maximilian Hecker||。— lady Sleep

发表于 2007-4-10 01:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Maximilian Hecker <lady Sleep>用睡眠谋杀死亡

专辑:lady Sleep
歌 手:Maximilian Hecker
风格:Adult Alternative Pop/ Rock, Chamber Pop, Alternative Pop/ Rock
曰期: Feb 21, 2005

忧伤美丽的德国音乐诗人——Maximilian Hecker



他的 歌声柔弱纤长,如同在旁人耳边喃喃自语沉郁的心事,却迷醉人而不自知地无辜与兀自感伤着。




为这些乐队根本不采用他创作的音乐,他便选择了独自发展。多才多艺的他有足够的实力自己做音乐。在与世隔绝般地独自创作了一些小样后,处女作“Infinite Love Songs”于2001年发行,第二张专辑“Rose”和第三张专辑“Lady Sleep”也分别于2003和2005年发行。这些专辑却是张张精彩,Maximilian Hecker的才华像一块色彩斑斓的画布渐渐被展现出来,并且相信未来他将展示出更多。

相信处女作的出现一定让很多人眼前一亮,豁然开朗,酝酿出许多充满力量的歌特金属王国也能出现这样动听的民谣音乐。首支歌曲“Polyester”便是只属于Maximilian Hecker 的忧伤绝美的经典歌曲。木吉他旋律缓缓入耳,仿佛绝望的梦境里嗅到了花的芬芳,Hecker 的声音散发出被强烈压抑的美丽,月光下是谁在哭泣,是谁在呼唤心爱的人儿?“Green Night”呈现的是唯美的意境,悦耳的钢琴润物细无声般渗透进来,Hecker 的声音挥洒着希翼的光辉。“The Days Are Long And Filled With”和“Cold Wind Blowing”是专辑中的亮点。前者从头至尾都只有钢琴伴奏,Hecker 仿佛在神经质地呓语,小心的保护着脆弱的梦,让人想起了曾经辉煌的Neil Young。后者则是如史诗般的一部交响乐。婉转的木吉他中又出现了Hecker梦呓似的歌声,不过这次更为深情。中间部分则出现了时断时续的噪音失真,寒冷的风开始无止境的暴虐,Hecker独自挣扎,满脸恐惧。最后又回归了平静的木吉他,恶梦结束了。关于这张专辑, AMG碟评中有一句话:这张专辑,最终像Air和Momus一样确立了Maximilian Hecker在独立摇滚中的地位,它属于加里弗尼亚的沙滩,而不属于充满冷漠工业的柏林。

时隔两年,第二张大碟“Rose”由Import公司发行。依旧是那个Maximilian Hecker,依旧是那样的音乐,依旧是首首百听不厌的歌曲。这次Hecker显然更加成熟了,尽管主题上仍旧单一,各种声效的运用,编曲上的细致化复杂化,人声风格的多样化,使得这张专辑最终超越了处女作。首支歌曲“Kate Moss”如同以往一样优秀。纯洁无暇的古典钢琴如大珠小珠落玉盘般引起人的无限遐思,游荡着的电子乐如浮云一样轻微缥缈。Hecker的歌声带着明亮的忧伤。结尾处声音丰富起来,Hecker一遍一遍孤独而深情地唱道:I love you。“That's What You Do”里有非常美妙的吉他回复,而“Fool”,“Powderblue”和“Never Ending Days”是个人认为专辑里最动听的歌曲,在Hecker伤感动听的歌声中感觉自己的心都要溶化了。(强烈推荐其中的“Never Ending Days”,无法用语言形容的感动。) “My Story”的旋律木吉他欢快的许多,Hecker仿佛是在鸟语花香的季节淡然倾诉着某个遥远而温暖的回忆。最后一首歌曲是翻唱Radiohead的成名作“Creep”。Hecker用钢琴代替了原作中的吉他,省略了失真吉他的运用,拍子也缓慢了许多,配上Hecker伤感但并不急躁的歌声,曲风也显得更加凄美了。

第三张专辑“Lady Sleep”于2005年由Kitty-yo公司发行。Maximilian Hecker的创作才华并没有因为前两张专辑的苦心经营而竭尽,而是愈发显得无穷无尽了。在一些歌曲的表现上,无论从作曲,歌词创作,主题表现,还是编排,都上升到了一个新的高度。首支歌曲“Birch”便可见一斑。开头轻微的钢琴声似乎是怕吵醒美丽少女的梦。而后Hecker的感情也随着钢琴的起伏而越发炙热了,终于在结尾时刻喷薄而出。“You're the goddess of my daydreams.You're the diving suit to my body.Cleanse my blood with your juice.Like a swan,like a birch.”这样有文采的歌词在前面的专辑中也是难得一见。“Anaesthesia”中Hecker用软语般温存的歌声描述了生活的希望,“Tonight is the night of my life.And tomorrow is the first day of my life”而这一切,都因为心爱的人儿在身边陪自己歌唱。“Help Me”中Hecker像一个迷失无助的孩子般怅然地抱怨着,只有你温暖的抚摸才可以治愈我的创伤。“Snow”是首非常平静舒坦的歌。雪无声无息的下,覆盖了一些,但这时似乎一些都变得清楚了,坦然了,纯粹了,那是因为躺在雪地中的自己仿佛看到了天堂的颜色。“Dying”从旋律和主题上完全接续了“Snow”。到这里一切脉络都清楚了,这张专辑就是一个统一体,主题是爱与死亡。“Yeah, Eventually She Goes”类似第一张专辑中的“Cold Wind Blowing”,不过木吉他变成了钢琴,失真吉他依旧肆虐,不过这次是因为悲伤,因为撕心裂肺的痛楚。最后一首“Lady Sleep”却更像是一首摇篮曲,似乎在爱与死亡中找到一个宁静的平衡点。

1. Birch
2. Anaesthesia
3. Summer Days In Bloom
4. Daze Of Nothing
5. Everything Inside Me Is Ill
6. Full Of Voices
7. Help Me
8. Snow
9. Dying
10. Yeah, Eventually She Goes
11. Lady Sleep

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You're the goddess of my daydreams
You're the diving suit to my body
You're the one I will never touch
You're the swanlike birch

Recompense me for my longing
Sugar-coat and eat me, my Venus
Cleanse my blood with your juice
Like a swanlike birch

You're the goddess of my daydreams
You're the diving suit to my body
You're the speed I lack when I'm fleeing
You're the hiding place for my torn heart
You're the one I will never touch
You're the swanlike birch


She woke me up at night
To carry me outside
We hid in deeper forests
And fainted in the dark

Shining, brilliant darkness
No more need to run

Oh, tonight is the night of my life
And tomorrow is the first day of my life
Cause you are there to hold me
And I sing

I wallow in sounds of flapping wings
Flying in darkness while she sings
Oh my lord, I will be

Summer Days In Bloom

Paralyzed by ancient delight
And riding for a fall today
I am dressed in style, so eager in mind
But furthermore distracted by you

And it's like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom
Oh, I've got no clue how I could fight that all that I am is worth a dime
Worth a dime

This liquid lunch will not stop my punch-
Drunk quality to doze while I run
It is thirty-nine degrees in my mind
It's thirty thousand miles more to go

Cause it's like I lose myself in dreaming of summer days in bloom
For I've got no clue whatever happened
All that I am is worth a dime
Worth a dime

Daze Of Nothing

I burn in a daze
A daze of nothing
And I can't feel
I feel nothing
The first time in my life
I am dead
The first time in my life
I'm not sad

And I walk to my own grave
And I watch the sun go down
I walk to my own grave
And I watch the sun go down

I'm lying in a bed
A bed of nothing
And I can see the stars
Flying above me
The first time in my life
I can see
And I see you
You're flying inside of me

But the wind is still cold
Though I am dead
The first time in my life
I can feel myself
The first time in my life
I'm not sad

Everything Inside Me Is Ill

I feel the sunlight's pouring rain
And I don't feel like I am sane
It keeps on running through my head
Oh, everything is ill

I'm hiding under thunderclouds
Neurosurgeon, help me out
I'm strung out falling to the ground
Oh, everything is ill

Lightning in your eyes
Sunlight in your hair
How I love you today
Hold me in your arms
It's endlessly insane
How I love you today
How I love you today

Full Of Voices

On some blue, light-green fields
On a long, leaking road
I confess there's no course
That could lead me to you

Pictures of her
In those booklets
Crawling in my head
Trolleys, madness
Songs of coastguards
Can't relieve my speed

Help me

You're leaving me a thousand times
But you don't know
You're healing me with your touch
But you don't know

You don't know

Help me


Doubts have vanished
All is clear
White, smooth, endless, outright, sheer
And I smile as I sink to the ground

Snow is falling down on me
I start crying blissfully

Lazy diamonds poured by heaven
Lie down on my red, hot cheeks
Drowsy drift ice
Live forever
I fall deeply into sleep

Doubts have vanished
All is clear
White, smooth, endless, outright, sheer
And I smile as I rise into heaven


I'm dying

Yeah, Eventually She Goes

He listens, understanding every word
And appears just like two weeks away
Good morning, you're my last pure hope
Take this waiter as my single note
And then

They went along the pale of days
And slept in sweet, white hearing lamps
To overcome their doubt
To feel like careful pills
And then

Yeah, eventually she goes
My life is in a hose
And all that I could say
Would sound so fucking grey
Eventually she goes
My life is in a hose
And all that I could say
Would sound so fucking grey

Lady Sleep

Lady Sleep, please kiss me sweetly
Throw me in a wad of cotton wool
And close my eyes, so I can see

Will you breast-feed with bewitching silence
Treat me like I was your only son
And love me like there was no morning?

You unfaithful lover
Careless mother
Cheating angel
Cause you always leave me after some time

So lustrously and disinfected
I'll be diving into you
When, eventually, will you stay forever?

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