End If
If a = 2 And x = 1 Then Label5.Caption = "你输了!": Image4.Picture = Image2.Picture: Image5.Picture = Image1.Picture: l = l + 1
If a = 2 And x = 2 Then Label5.Caption = "平手!": Image4.Picture = Image2.Picture: Image5.Picture = Image2.Picture: e = e + 1
If a = 2 And x = 3 Then Label5.Caption = "你赢了!": Image4.Picture = Image2.Picture: Image5.Picture = Image3.Picture: v = v + 1
If a = 3 And x = 1 Then Label5.Caption = "你赢了!": Image4.Picture = Image3.Picture: Image5.Picture = Image1.Picture: v = v + 1
If a = 3 And x = 2 Then Label5.Caption = "你输了!": Image4.Picture = Image3.Picture: Image5.Picture = Image2.Picture: l = l + 1
If a = 3 And x = 3 Then Label5.Caption = "平手!": Image4.Picture = Image3.Picture: Image5.Picture = Image3.Picture: e = e + 1
Label8.Caption = v + l + e & "次"
Label9.Caption = v & "次"
Label10.Caption = l & "次"
Label11.Caption = e & "次"
End Sub