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发表于 2008-3-8 03:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
某只夜猫子心下不平: 诸位侠友平日里写的作文都可以发来,我就不可以么!
但是有一个小小的问题,我一般不和中文打交道, 因此写作水平实在是不怎么样。。。写的英语作文发上来看看有什么效果

Anger · Hatred · Love · Heartbroken · Alone

  The tale of the Viper is remarkably unique and unforgettable. The Viper was best known for his viciousness and ruthless. For a time being it was forbidden to say anything about it because it was rumoured that Viper almost killed everyone of noble descend in the royal palace in one night’s time. However, people today still argue whether or not if Viper should be listed among the greatest heroes or the greatest villains: it was undecided since the day he vanished.

  Well, he was not born with the name Viper. He was a bright and intelligent child who loved his mother and father and his little sister. It stayed like that until the day he lost the last member of his family. That day, he completely lost everything he had, even the meaning of life. From that day on, he constantly wondered:  Why is it that I still exist? What do I live for? Shortly after he realized the answer is to seek revenge. The murder of his family had caused him to cry until he was too tired to stay awake when kids of his age should be sleeping peacefully. It caused him to fill himself with anger and live for nothing but hatred. It caused him to become the cruel Viper that roamed the land, day and night, paying back what the murderers had done to his family.

  For ten years, his life was simple: wake up, practice swords skill, eat, and sleep… He has mastered the art of patience. When he was halfway through his “letting them pay with their lives”, he met the love of his life. Unbelievable as it is, this girl was the daughter of his enemy murdered his family. This childish and innocent girl had touched his kind and forgiving self and healed the scars in his grieving heart. With the coming of this girl, he had once again seized the meaning of life. The hatred dissolved and a little seed of love settled there. It sprouted and grew into a peaceful flower. As roughly half year passed the flower grew beautiful and strong. He started to help people. He saved many lives from the hand of evil and greed, not to mention the countless warfares and arguments he had settled. He appeared and disappeared from the people’s sights whenever he wanted to. Just when he thought he is the happiest person to have ever lived, misfortune visited for the last time in his life.

  Some underlings of the king had found out how pretty his lover was and forced her to go meet the king at the royal palace while he was out paying respect to someone who had once saved him. He was furious when he found out that his loved one had been snatched away. His vengeful self emerged back and anger roared within him again. He tried to rescue her from the greedy hands of the king, but the palace was well guarded. He planned for the second visit to the royal palace the very next night. Seeing the old king within ten feet of reach, dragging his lover in an unmannerly way across the yard, he ran up to them and was about to stab the king with all of his might. Suddenly, a dagger flew out of the darkness and struck the Viper on the back; he froze. He coughed violently and felt the blood drip down his chin. The Viper fled in the darkness. When he came back on the next night, the king was trying to make the girl obedient. She spotted him in the corner. So did the old king. She knew he was going to come. With the bravest voice ever imaginable, she cried, “ Don’t ever let me down!” And then she sliced her wrist with a small knife hidden in the sleeve.

  He stared, not knowing what to do. Indeed, his whole world had just collapsed. He became the old ruthless Viper again and slaughtered everyone he could find that is of royal bloodline the night after. Nobody knew how he killed them-hundreds of people in one night’s time without being noticed only after the dead bodies were found.

  After that bloody night, he wandered around every minute He did not sleep. He did not eat. He felt more dead than alive. He was ill fated: his family murdered at a very young age; letting the people he loved most in the world die.

  He was never seen again. Some says that he died. Others said that he went off to other countries. Therefore everyone who knew him lived and died with fear of him coming back to hunt them down for no reason. The next generations were sternly warned and well taught to keep their mouths shut. And the next. And the next. And so on.

  Originally, this is what happened: few days after the king found a pretty girl and brought her to the palace, in the early morning, the guards in the palace were all shouting after they found trails of blood drops extending from building to building. Everyone lived long enough to see the dawn had screamed and cried at the sight of dead corpses lying everywhere. But that was not the worst part. The worst was the blood. Dry blood stuck to most surfaces and flies were buzzing in and out. It was mass ciaos. Nobody knew why that happened. They tried to keep this a secret but the news somehow managed to slip into people’s ears. Soon everybody in the city knew what happened. Words of rumour started to spread to other nearby cities and towns. Someone started the first few parts of this legend based on that infamous bloody night. Other people added to it based on the experiences of others who had interacted with the Viper; be it enemies, people he saved, or even the beggars on the street. Decades later, people are still trying to extend his story based on true facts to find out more about the Viper.

  Now, all that is left of the legacy of the Viper is this legend, put together by pieces of information.

[ 本帖最后由 剑气收 于 2008-3-8 03:22 编辑 ]


参与人数 1银两 +387 收起 理由
麒麟小妖 + 387 原创内容


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-8 03:20 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2008-3-8 03:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-8 04:25 | 显示全部楼层
This is more like a narrator of a documentary than a full-fledged novel...
发表于 2008-3-8 04:35 | 显示全部楼层
Quiet, you fool...follow me.
Viper......haven't heard that name in such a long time. This word has been tabooed ever since the night of the massacre of the royals in the palace. You wanna hear the old tales of him? well, sit down, my lad. This shall be a long story.

People still argue whether he is the boldest hero or the greatest villain,but one thing is for certain. He is one of the most vicious and ruthless man who ever walked this land.Even though he had vanished into the darkness many years ago, and his name tabooed under royal command, his tales still passes among towns folks... Don't be hasty, my lad.

Even though he has been known as Viper, he was not born with that name.

Just an idea how to start it off...

[ 本帖最后由 酒魔剑仙 于 2008-3-8 06:30 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-3-8 12:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-8 12:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-8 12:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-8 12:35 | 显示全部楼层

回复 7# 的帖子


发表于 2008-3-8 14:31 | 显示全部楼层

Anger · Hatred · Love · Heartbroken · Alone

  The tale of the Viper is remarkably unique and unforgettable. Viper was best known for his viciousness and ruthlessness. For a time being it was forbidden to say anything about it because it was rumoured that Viper almost killed everyone of noble descend in the royal palace in one night’s time. However, people today still argue whether or not if Viper should be listed among the greatest heroes or the greatest villains: it was undecided since the day he vanished.

  Well, he was not born with the name Viper. He was a bright and intelligent child who loved his mother and father and his little sister. It stayed like that until the day he lost the last member of his family. That day, he completely lost everything he had, even the meaning of life. From that day on, he constantly wondered:  Why is it that I still exist? What do I live for? Shortly after he realized the answer is to seek revenge. The murder of his family had caused him to cry until he was too tired to stay awake when kids of his age should be sleeping peacefully. It caused him to fill himself with anger and live for nothing but hatred. It caused him to become the cruel Viper that roamed the land, day and night, paying back what the murderers had done to his family.

  For ten years, his life was simple: wake up, practice swords skill, eat, and sleep… He has mastered the art of patience. When he was halfway through his “letting them pay with their lives”, he met the love of his life. Unbelievable as it is, this girl was the daughter of his enemy murdered his family. This childish and innocent girl had touched his kind and forgiving self and healed the scars in his grieving heart. With the coming of this girl, he had once again seized the meaning of life. The hatred dissolved and a little seed of love settled there. It sprouted and grew into a peaceful flower. As roughly half year passed the flower grew beautiful and strong. He started to help people. He saved many lives from the hand of evil and greed, not to mention the countless warfares and arguments he had settled. He appeared and disappeared from the people’s sights whenever he wanted to. Just when he thought he is the happiest person to have ever lived, misfortune visited for the last time in his life.

  Some underlings of the king had found out how pretty his lover was and forced her to go meet the king at the royal palace while he was out paying respect to someone who had once saved him. He was furious when he found out that his loved one had been snatched away. His vengeful self emerged back and anger roared within him again. He tried to rescue her from the greedy hands of the king, but the palace was well guarded. He planned for the second visit to the royal palace the very next night. Seeing the old king within ten feet of reach, dragging his lover in an unmannerly way across the yard, he ran up to them and was about to stab the king with all of his might. Suddenly, a dagger flew out of the darkness and struck the Viper on the back; he froze. He coughed violently and felt the blood drip down his chin. The Viper fled in the darkness. When he came back on the next night, the king was trying to make the girl obedient. She spotted him in the corner. So did the old king. She knew he was going to come. With the bravest voice ever imaginable, she cried, “ Don’t ever let me down!” And then she sliced her wrist with a small knife hidden in the sleeve.

  He stared, not knowing what to do. Indeed, his whole world had just collapsed. He became the old ruthless Viper again and slaughtered everyone he could find that is of royal bloodline the night after. Nobody knew how he killed them-hundreds of people in one night’s time without being noticed only after the dead bodies were found.

  After that bloody night, he wandered around every minute He did not sleep. He did not eat. He felt more dead than alive. He was ill fated: his family murdered at a very young age; letting the people he loved most in the world die.

  He was never seen again. Some says that he died. Others said that he went off to other countries. Therefore everyone who knew him lived and died with fear of him coming back to hunt them down for no reason. The next generations were sternly warned and well taught to keep their mouths shut. And the next. And the next. And so on.

  Originally, this is what happened: few days after the king found a pretty girl and brought her to the palace, in the early morning, the guards in the palace were all shouting after they found trails of blood drops extending from building to building. Everyone lived long enough to see the dawn had screamed and cried at the sight of dead corpses lying everywhere. But that was not the worst part. The worst was the blood. Dry blood stuck to most surfaces and flies were buzzing in and out. It was mass ciaos. Nobody knew why that happened. They tried to keep this a secret but the news somehow managed to slip into people’s ears. Soon everybody in the city knew what happened. Words of rumour started to spread to other nearby cities and towns. Someone started the first few parts of this legend based on that infamous bloody night. Other people added to it based on the experiences of others who had interacted with the Viper; be it enemies, people he saved, or even the beggars on the street. Decades later, people are still trying to extend his story based on true facts to find out more about the Viper.

  Now, all that is left of the legacy of the Viper is this legend, put together by pieces of information.

发表于 2008-3-8 14:33 | 显示全部楼层
激怒. 仇恨. 愛. 極悲痛的. 單獨

  蛇蠍的傳說是卓越地獨特和令人難忘的。蛇蠍是最佳已知為他的邪惡的品質和冷酷。一度是它被禁止了說任何對此因為它被傳言蛇蠍幾乎殺害了大家貴族下降在皇家宮殿在一夜間的。但是, 人們仍然今天爭論是否如果蛇蠍是列出的在最了不起的英雄或最了不起的惡棍之中: 它是未定的從他消失的天。

  很好, 他未被負擔與命名蛇蠍。他是愛他的母親和父親和他的小姐妹的一個聰慧和聰明的孩子。它停留了像那直到他失去他的家庭的最後成員的天。天, 他完全地丟失了一切他有, 甚而生活的意思。從那天, 他經常想知道: 為什麼它是, 我仍然存在? 我居住什麼為? 在他之後體會答復將尋找復仇。他的家庭謀殺導致他哭泣直到他太疲乏以至於不能停留醒當他的年齡孩子應該平安地睡覺。它導致他填裝自己充滿憤怒和居住為□什麼但仇恨。它導致他變成漫遊土地, 日夜的殘暴的蛇蠍, 支付什麼兇手做了對他的家庭。

  十年, 他的生活是簡單: 醒, 實踐劍技巧, 吃, 和睡覺... 他掌握了耐心藝術。當他是半路通過他的"讓他們支付以他們的生活", 他遇見了他的生活愛。難以相信照原樣, 這個女孩是他的敵人的女兒謀殺了他的家庭。這個幼稚和無辜的女孩接觸了他的種類和原諒的自已和癒合了傷痕在他追悼的心臟。以來臨這個女孩, 他再次佔領了生活的意思。仇恨溶化了並且愛一顆小的種子那裡安定了。它發芽了和增長入一朵平安的花。當大致半年通過了花增長美麗和強。他開始幫助人民。他從罪惡和貪婪的手拯救許多生命, 不提及他安定了的不計其數的戰爭和論據。他出現和消失了從人民的視域每當他要。當他認為他是最愉快的人曾經居住, 不幸被參觀在上次在他的生活中。

  國王的一些下屬發現了多麼俏麗他的戀人是和強迫她努力去做集會國王在皇家宮殿當他致以尊敬對某人曾經保存了他。他是憤怒的當他發現了他親人被奪走了。他報復性的自已湧現了和憤怒再咆哮在他心頭。他設法搶救她從國王的貪婪的手, 但宮殿很好被守衛了。他對第二次參觀計劃了對皇家宮殿非常下夜。看見老國王在伸手可及的距離的十英尺之內, 扯拽他的戀人用一個unmannerly 方式橫跨圍場, 他跑了由他們決定和將刺中國王與所有的他可能。突然, 匕首飛行從黑暗和碰撞蛇蠍在後面; 他結冰了。他猛烈地咳嗽了和感覺血液滴水在他的下巴下。蛇蠍出逃了在黑暗中。當他回來了在下夜, 國王設法使女孩服從。她察覺了他在角落。如此做了老國王。她知道他打算來。以最勇敢的聲音曾經能想像,
她哭泣, "不曾經使我失望!" 並且她然後切了她的腕子與一把小刀子掩藏在袖子。

  他凝望了, 不知道什麼做。的確, 他的全世界崩潰了。他再變成老冷酷的蛇蠍並且屠殺大家他能發現以後是皇家bloodline 夜。沒人知道怎麼他殺害了他們上百人在一夜間的沒有被注意在屍體被發現了之後。

  以後, 他血淋淋的夜漫步了在每分鐘附近他沒有睡覺。他沒有吃。他感到死比活。他是不適命運決定: 他的家庭被謀殺在非常年輕年齡; 讓人民他愛多數在世界模子。

  他從未再看。一些認為, 他死了。其他人認為, 他去其它國家。所以大家認識他居住和死了充滿恐懼對他回來搜尋他們沒有原因。下一代嚴厲地被警告了並且很好教保留他們的嘴關閉了。並且下。並且下。等等。

  最初, 這是什麼發生了: 少量天在國王找到一個俏麗的女孩和帶來了她給宮殿, 在凌晨, 衛兵在宮殿之後是全部呼喊在他們發現了血液下落足跡延長從修造對大廈之後。大家居住足夠長期看黎明尖叫了和哭泣在死的屍體視域說謊到處。但那不是最壞的部份。最壞是血液。乾血黏附了對多數表面並且飛行裡裡外外嗡嗡叫。這是許多ciaos 。沒人知道為什麼那發生了。他們設法保留這秘密但新聞以某種方法設法滑倒入人的耳朵。很快大家在城市知道什麼發生了。謠言的詞開始傳播對其它附近的城市和鎮。某人開始了這個傳奇的最初的少數部份根據那臭名昭著的血淋淋的夜。人民補充說來它根據了其他人的經驗與蛇蠍相處融洽; 假如是他保存的敵人、人, 甚至叫化子在街道。數十年以後, 人們仍然設法擴大他的故事根據真實的事實對發現更多關於蛇蠍。

  現在, 所有是左蛇蠍的遺產是這個傳奇, 彙集由資訊。



参与人数 1银两 +387 收起 理由
麒麟小妖 + 387 翻译辛苦了


发表于 2008-3-8 14:38 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2008-3-8 15:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复 12# 的帖子

 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-9 05:42 | 显示全部楼层
挖卡卡~99好厉害~~~ 只是。。。翻的真难受。。。
发表于 2008-3-9 13:37 | 显示全部楼层

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